Seven Shores Capital has proudly innovated to bring South African annuity and pension investors an investment option that they have never had before: a fund where they can be heavily invested in foreign country company, property, cash and bond earnings, while still being fully compliant with the rules and laws on annuity and pension investments.
These rules allow for only 30% of a retirement annuity or pension fund to be directly invested offshore, but extensive research and modelling has identified a selection of JSE listed companies and listed property businesses that earn virtually all of their revenue outside of South Africa. Making use of these investment options allows us to construct a portfolio for annuity and pension investors that gives them the opportunity to effectively invest up to 100% in the wider international economy – a very valuable option, as a raft of research studies over the years have shown that the optimal offshore allocation over time for almost all pension funds and pension structure investors is significantly greater than the 45% direct limit.